About Us

Ironically, I grew up hating my thicker hair. It was a nuisance and it took forever to dry! I was even teased at school about how thick it was (‘heavy duty rope’ was once a description I recall)! Then in my early twenties, it all changed with thinning hair. My original hair volume thinned out to about 50% of its original volume and it's remained like that since. The doctors said it was either stress or genetic and despite various supplements and vitamins, it never grew back (until I was pregnant when it was glorious! Then I lost it all again after giving birth!) 

Since then, needless to say, I suffer from a major case of hair envy! I'm always checking out other womens ponytails! Then a few years ago, I was planning my wedding day, and I found the most gorgeous up-style but I just couldn't achieve the same look with my thin locks. I recalled my best friend having very expensive hair extensions sewn in for her big day but she complained how uncomfortable they were, hated not being able to wash her hair properly and ended having them removed after a few weeks! So I started looking into clip in hair extensions. It seemed there were either very expensive large volume sets of superior quality hair extensions or low volume, cheap, very poor quality sets.

I'm a true advocate of natural looking beauty enhancements. I'm not one for over the top statement looks and fakery. I believe in accentuating what Mother Nature gave us and with just a bit of help, we can totally flaunt what we've been given! 

So to enhance my hair volume, I wanted a lighter to medium volume of superior quality, 100% real human hair extensions at an affordable price. I was happy to invest in clip in hair extensions that I could wear on my wedding day but also be able to wear any time without it being too obvious or over the top. So that lead me on my quest to find lighter to medium volume, high quality, affordable clip in hair extensions and I figured if I’m looking for them, others might be too! And here we are! After extensive searching (and scrutinising) I have the perfect clip in hair extensions that tick all my boxes for thicker hair and I’d like to share them with you! I hope you love them as much as I do :) 

Happy Hair Days, beautiful Goddesses!